Alex hurricane track
Alex hurricane track

That's fine with us.Įspecially because meteorologists expect an “above normal” Atlantic hurricane season in 2022, which runs through Nov.

alex hurricane track

Pierce.Īlex, we thought we would get to know you but that is not how it turned out.

alex hurricane track

Tropical Storm Alex became Alex on June 6 over the Atlantic Ocean, 165 miles east-northeast off the coast of Ft. That is when we were led to believe the tropical depression with no name would graduate into Alex, either before hitting Southwest Florida, or as the storm moved over the peninsula. It moved east, not west – a bit of an oddity for a West Coast system – regrew strength in the Gulf of Mexico, and moved over South Florida on June 5. The previous week the storm was a Category 2 hurricane in the Pacific basin named Agatha. This year was the first time in seven that a named tropical system did not form prior to the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season on June 1. The worst of Alex’s deluge somehow scooted around the Fort Myers region – there was a decent amount of rain and some flooding - and walloped Miami, where downtown streets flooded with several feet of water in places Oonce again, a tropical system did not do what forecasters told it to.

alex hurricane track

The area of disturbed tropical weather that would become Tropical Storm Alex, which was approaching Southwest Florida at a pretty good clip, was supposed to come ashore around Fort Myers and dump more than a foot of rain.

Alex hurricane track