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O captin my capitin pics

o captin my capitin pics

Where on the deck my captain lies The author added it because he want the reader to think and feel like they were in the story What was the ships mission? To have freedom and win What killed the caption He was shot by a gun Weather come safely through Rack fly in high wind Exsulting feel extreme happiness or elation Keel the longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a vessel's hull, on which the rest of the hull is built Grim forbidding or uninviting. What are some examples of imagery? O bleeding drops of, on the deck my captain lies Why would Whitman add this example of imagery in the poem? Whitman wanted to show what it was like at the memorial and how he planned it. What is it? Why do you think Whitman chose to repeat this phrase? What effect does it create? They're talking about his memorial and its basically describing what was there. Sad/Depressing In the second stanza, one phrase is repeated 5 times. exulting rejoicing What are the metaphors and there litteral meanings youve fallen cold and dead Any power words? O heart heart heart If you had to describe this poem's mood(s) with two adjectives, what would they be? Explain.

o captin my capitin pics o captin my capitin pics

rack Form of torture that involved rollers and a handle. the Civil War rhyme scheme the pattern of sounds at the end of each line of poetry couplet pair of rhyming lines in a poem Alliteration in the story? done, won, head, dead Assonance in the story? shores a-crowding weather The condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place. the country The storm in the ocean represents. Abraham Lincoln The ship is a metaphor for. Exult to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy rejoice exceedingly be highly elated or jubilant tread footstep The "captain" is.

O captin my capitin pics