Elvenar gems of knowledgehalloween quest list
Elvenar gems of knowledgehalloween quest list

elvenar gems of knowledgehalloween quest list

The only reason to build any of these is if you for whatever reason want to save on PPs. It is completely replaceable with Portal Profits. Now, I expect this to be one of the most useless buildings in the game. So the whole setup is very similar to how Advanced Trader produces seeds and unurium. You will have to toggle which good you do want to produce – Elvenar, Humans or Elves. GR Pop buildings feature continuous production without any inputs on 24h cycles, with early pickup available at 3h mark. Here you need to link settlement buildings with portal using settlement streets (same as back in e.g. We haven’t seen those for quite a while, as most of the recent settlements worked on set mechanics, e.g. Oh, and we get settlement-specific streets again in this chapter. And finally, portal converts different medals into badges, and badges is the ultimate resource that you will use to unlock research in Chapter 18. Then there are 4 different GR Elemental buildings (Water, Fire, Wind and Earth) that produce intermediate resources like 6 different medals and corresponding elements. GR Pop buildings will produce Elvenar, Humans and Elves (capped resources). So this time around we have 3 groups of guest race production buildings. You will need badges for research and you will have to produce these and therefore also intermediate goods. So keep in mind that you will get only Elvenar, Humans and Elves when dropping Portal Profits! And in this case, these are pretty much inputs into the production. As you can see, we will only need mana and ascended T7/A1 goods for that. And finally, green items are basic resources that are used as inputs into this whole production engine. Blue items are production functions of particular buildings. Badges (in red) are the only guest race resources that are used in the tech tree, so this is the ultimate production item. Elvenar, Humans and Elves are capped portal resources (orange in the diagram), while Medals (yellow), Elements (pink) and Badges (red) items are uncapped guest race resources. So buildings are gray shapes in the diagram.

elvenar gems of knowledgehalloween quest list

#Elvenar gems of knowledgehalloween quest list code#

OK, so far we don’t know the names of production buildings, so we’ll be using the code names for now. However, there are no circular dependencies like the last time around, so it should be easier to unpack 😉 So let’s do just that down below!

elvenar gems of knowledgehalloween quest list

Well, that’s primarily because we have a lot of guest race goods here – 14, to be exact. This looks more complicated than production cycle for Chapter 17.

Elvenar gems of knowledgehalloween quest list